About Us

Innovative Approach to Poverty Alleviation

FCDP is a dynamic local NGO in Malawi. It was established and incorporated under the Trustees Incorporation Act in 2018. It was also registered with the Council of Non-Governmental Organizations (CONGOMA) in 2020 and the Non-Governmental Organizations Board of Malawi (NGO BOARD) in 2022.

Our programs are focused on the following key areas: Microloan, Agriculture, Water and Sanitation Hygiene and Youth and Women Empowerment.

Our Vision

To be an innovative NGO in reducing extreme poverty levels amongst women and vulnerable families through agricultural, improved technologies and socio-economic empowerment

Our Mission

To empower women and vulnerable people through innovative approach to development

Where We Work

Currently we are operating in the central region but also expanding national wide. We partner with fellow NGOs, different government stakeholders and the private sector to reach the most vulnerable and marginalized families so that they can be alleviated from poverty.