Our Work


We train rural farmers on good agricultural and labour practices (GAP) to increase both crop and livestock production.The farmers are also taught about irrigation farming, food security, post-harvest management, crop storage, agriculture technology, value addition and nutrition. These farmers are also helped to find sustainable markets for their produce.


We work with the youths in school as well as those out of school to build their capacity and to impart them with skills that will help them to survive and to be productive in their communities. There are also behavior change interventions among the youths. Apart from that women are taught about their rights, gender based violence, financial independence.Young women are encouraged to work hard in school and and avoid early marriages. This will help the youths and women to work hard on their own to become independent and to get out of poverty.


We provide Small Scale Agricultural Loans (SSAL) and Small Scale Business Loans (SSBL) to poor rural women who does not have an opportunity to enjoy the formal banking services. On top of that women are told basic business skills and financial management skills. The loans are given to women who are in a group of five to 30 people, we do not offer individual loans.


We work with households, communities and schools to improve water supply and sanitation. Teaching about hygiene and diseases associated with unhygienic practices.